Introducing 2 fishing companies at NASF 2010

Two trendsetting fishing companies, ‘Hermes AS ‘ from Norway and ‘The Atlantic Company Ltd. (TASC)’ from The Netherlands were put forward by Sustainovate to present their innovative business solutions at the anual North Atlantic Seafood Forum in Oslo.

Hermes-AS: Creating business by implementing social responsibility.

Starting in 2010 a new EU regulation will require detailed catch certificates from all fishing vessels selling their products in the EU. While fisheries around the world are struggling to effectively meet the new law, Hermes is leading the way. After entering a product code on the Hermes’ website, users can view the entire product history as well as a map of the catch location. The information will even be available on mobile phones.

With this system Hermes not only saves costs and time associated with claims or quality matters, but it also builds a reputation with partners and customers which strengthens its position in the market.

The North Atlantic Seafood Company Ltd.: Introducing Sustainable Atlantic Tropical Sole into Europe through sustainable business.

TASC_TheTHSCteamThe Atlantic Seafood Company (TASC) is a Dutch owned fish processing company with a factory located in Gambia, West Africa. The company successfully combines its handling of people, planet and profit. Its aim is to create a sustainable fishery using local fishermen and non-destructive methods, enabling them to provide sustainable sole to the European market.

The business concept of The Atlantic Seafood Company is unique in:

  • Combining research and business to raise the potential of the Gambian fishing industry and to secure a stable base for certified fisheries.
  • Interlinking research and business to upgrade the potentials of the Gambian fishing industry and secure a stable base for certified fisheries
  • Providing full product processing in Africa
  • Offering an alternative to non-sustainable sole.

The company fulfils a need for financial support in the fisheries industry, which creates significant export earnings for Gambia and its population. The EU sees this business concept as setting an example to other African nations wishing to take advantage of an earning opportunity. The main export product (Atlantic Sole) is now sought by the Scandinavian, East European and Russian markets. Further scientific collaboration will help the company to build an even stronger brand.