The OceanBox – For improved efficiency and responsible fishing
The OceanBox is designed to capture, integrate and analyse sensor data from fishing vessels for real-time monitoring. The cloud-based data system allows vessel owners to be full owner and manager of the data. OceanBox data can be combined with existing catch registration systems, fuel consumption data or other enterprise data to optimise fishing strategy, avoid unwanted catch or contribute to fish stock estimations.
The OceanBox will be offering the following key services:
- Essentials (Data collection, Data management and Reporting)
- Fish Biomass Estimation (Currently under development)
- Fish Species Identification (Planned for 2020)
Large volumes of data are to be expected and although the scope may be different from scientific research and the data quality may be lower, the data volume is a quality in itself. The system is scalable and prepared for big data analysis techniques such as machine learning.
Professional development team
Much of the discussion these days around fish stock management and selective fishing is science-based. Therefore we have engaged top-scientists in hydro-acoustic and machine learning for the development of data applications. For data storage and -handli ng we have teamed up with Microsoft and partners. On request this team is available for user specific challenges.
Where traditional data collection is often initiated by scientific institutions and data is collected at the institutions’ premise, the OceanBox and data are entirely owned by the industry and data is stored at the clients’ premise. From there the client can decide which data to share with third parties and which other internal business data to integrate with.
The OceanBox cloud-based data system offers 3 important security measures:
- Data protection
- Access control
- Activity monitoring.

Automatic onboard echosounder data processing
The OceanBox uses integrated software that processes echosounder data (currently supporting Simrad ES/EK-60/70/80) real-time. The software not only reads single frequency data but also broadband, where it reduced file size to store the most critical data for future use.
Among other processes the software can isolate fish(schools), remove acoustic noise and calculate Sv values needed for fish stock abundance estimates or -mapping.

Flexible and Intuitive data visualisation
The OceanBox uses Microsoft technology for data management and reporting, including secure access to analytics reports. The data analysis tool (Microsoft Power BI) integrates with other tools, including Microsoft Excel, Office365, R, SQL databases so you can get up to speed quickly and work seamlessly with your existing solutions, adding non-OceanBox data.
All report visuals are interactive meaning it offers drill-downs and interactive intelligence between charts and maps.
Optional: extension with catch data
The OceanBox data management infrastructure allows for adding additional data sources such as catch data. Such auxiliary data can be integrated with OceanBox data and visualised in the same dashboards.